Sync 3 Apps



If you want to install any App, you have to install Custom Apps Loader Mod first. Otherwise you can not install and/or launch a Sync 3 App.


An App is a standalone application developed entirely from scratch by developers. Unlike mods, apps don't rely on existing OEM features, except for their integration with the Sync 3 system via the Sync 3 QT5 implementation. Here's what sets them apart:

  • Apps are independent software programs designed to run on the Sync 3 platform.
  • They are written from the ground up, offering complete control to developers over their functionality.
  • Since they don't rely on patching OEM files, installing an app is typically as straightforward as copying the application files onto your Sync 3 system.
  • App updates are typically more straightforward, with no need to worry about patch compatibility.

Like a Mod an App is usually programmed using QML (and might contain script like JavaScript).