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(Created page with "== QNX tools == <!--T:1--> <span style="background-color: grey;">pidin</span>")
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== QNX tools == <!--T:1-->
== QNX tools == <!--T:1-->
<span style="background-color: grey;">pidin</span>
Display information about the system:
# pidin info
CPU:ARM Release:6.5.0  FreeMem:683Mb/2032Mb BootTime:Mar 19 17:35:42 UTC 2023
Processes: 139, Threads: 644
Processor1: 1093648626 Cortex A15 1000MHz FPU
Processor2: 1093648626 Cortex A15 1000MHz FPU
Return the name of the operating system (POSIX):
# uname -a
QNX localhost 6.5.0 2019/12/12-16:00:38CST TI-OMAP5432-Pasa-Ford-Sync3 armle

Revision as of 22:37, 26 May 2024

QNX tools



Display information about the system:

# pidin info
CPU:ARM Release:6.5.0  FreeMem:683Mb/2032Mb BootTime:Mar 19 17:35:42 UTC 2023
Processes: 139, Threads: 644
Processor1: 1093648626 Cortex A15 1000MHz FPU
Processor2: 1093648626 Cortex A15 1000MHz FPU



Return the name of the operating system (POSIX):

# uname -a
QNX localhost 6.5.0 2019/12/12-16:00:38CST TI-OMAP5432-Pasa-Ford-Sync3 armle